Oleg Osipoff – Artist Statement. contact info.


My art is rooted in the natural world. My subjects are familiar to me, objects and places I know well and to which I have developed personal affinity. I choose them based on my attraction to them, subject matter that excites my sense of visual interest. I have an emotional response to the materials I paint, the shapes, textures, colors, detail, light, shade and the uniqueness of their relationships. Each subject, whether based on the natural or urban landscape possesses potential for a new dynamic that I strive to explore and discover. I want to take the viewer into the frame of my vision, to see the qualities that move me and compel me to observe subject and content more closely, and the design relationships I have created. I want to allow the viewer to enjoy and appreciate the physical properties of paint through which those relationships are made possible and the technical skill with which it is applied. One of my favorite quotes about art comes from the American writer, William S, Burroughs who said: “It is the function of the artist to evoke the experience of surprised recognition: to show the viewer what he knows but does not know that he knows.” As an artist, I recognize the possibility of infinite interactions of shapes, textures and colors on a canvas and see it as a means through which I can achieve a poetic collaboration of elements. My technique is “painterly” and could be described as influenced by the Impressionists.


I am fortunate to be able to also work as an artist/teacher, a livelihood that provides me opportunities to impart to students the knowledge and skills that serve them in their own artistic quest. Often, the challenges they face are familiar and reminiscent of personal experiences. My connections to students provide the anchor that keeps me grounded and focused on my goal – to be the best communicator I am able to be, and to keep my focus on craftsmanship as well as concept.

Prices of artwork viewed on this site are available on inquiry. Please contact artist directly:

oleg_osipoff@sbcglobal.net, or oiosipoff@gmail.com




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