Apply now to the 2018-19 Youth Leadership Corps! This is a merit-based FULL scholarship award with all gear included. No experience necessary. Applications are due March 15, 2018. For more info, click here.
Bay Area high school students (rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors) who want to continue to develop their leadership skills and gain service experience.
A one-year leadership and service-focused program that starts with a 14-day expedition including rock climbing, backpacking, camping, navigation and a unique solo experience. The program continues with monthly service projects led by the Youth Leadership Corps students.
The expedition will take place in the beautiful Sierra Nevada Mountains. The school year service projects and meetings will take place in the Bay Area.
Orientation: May 6, 2018
Expedition: August 3-16, 2018
Service Projects and Meetings: The second Sunday of every month from September 9, 2018 through April 8, 2019.
Graduation: May 5, 2019
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