Teach Nutrition and Physical Education

UC Cooperative Extension is recruiting teens to teach nutrition and physical education in the elementary school gardens around San Mateo County this summer.  Teens will earn up to 30 hours of volunteer service by participating in this program.  The program consists of a mandatory, overnight training event at UC Elkus Ranch Environmental Education Center on June 21-22nd that will equip teens with the skillset to return to their local elementary school gardens and teach one afternoon a week for six weeks in the afterschool program.  Ideally, we’d like at least two if not three teens to partner and deliver the lessons to about 20 kids at a time for 45 min/lesson.  The number of teens we need at each school site depends on the number of kids enrolled in the after school program, but are goal is recruit 50 teens total. This program is supported in part by the 4-H Youth Development Program and UC CalFresh.

More details can be found here: http://ucanr.edu/sites/smsf4h/About/4-H_Afterschool/

The teen application is due by June 2.  The online application can be found here: https://ucanr.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=12945. While the application is not so extensive, the teens will need one letter/email/or call of recommendation from an adult (other than their parent).

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