Intern admission requirements:
- Excellent communications skills as demonstrated in an email asking to join the program and a follow-up phone interview or resume submission
- A basic knowledge of electoral politics and government roles/public policy
- Signed permission form
- Patience and dedication for progressive or liberal causes
Intern Expectations:
- Be up-to-date on local and national political news
- Volunteer at least four 5-hour shifts in our local office before November 1. We recognize high school students are busy, but we also will favor applicants who can commit to more than this minimum
- Between November 1 and November 6 volunteer at least 8 hours at the local office. (Exceptions can be made with prior discussion or if the intern wants to go out of town)
- Follow instructions closely, ask questions, and always enjoy yourself!
- Interns will be responsible for registering people to vote, making phone calls to swing states, and helping out in the office. Hitting the streets and talking to strangers a must
Please contact the Executive Director for the San Francisco Democratic Party, Ally Hergenraeder:Â for more information or to apply.
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