What is Sunday Streets?
Inspired by the Ciclovía in Bogotá, Colombia, Sunday Streets is a series of 10 free, fun events empowering local communities to transform 1-4 miles of car-congested streets into car-free community spaces for kids to play, seniors to stroll, organizations to connect and neighbors to meet.
Event Dates
June 9th – Sunset/Golden Gate Park (3-7 groups needed)
July 14th – Mission (8 groups needed)
August 18th – SOMA (8-16 groups needed)
Volunteer Opportunity
We are looking for volunteer groups of 6 or more individuals (adopt-an-intersection) to help us fill critical safety roles at Sunday Streets as crossing guards. The event runs from 11-4pm public facing and need help staffing intersections with crossing guard volunteers all day (check-in at 10AM, check-out by 4:30PM).
We also have needs in the AM or PM for hub setup or hub breakdown (adopt-a-hub), moving tables, chairs and tents.
WHO: 6-12 volunteers who can stand for several hours
TIME: Adopt-an-Intersection10:00 AM to 4:30 PM (6 hours)
Adopt-a-Hub8:30 AM to 11:30 AM (3 hours) or 2:30 PM to 5:00 PM (2.5 hours)
Identify one group representative to recruit, schedule and lead volunteers to help us fill the crossing guard positions and provide guidance to the group on event day.
– Free lunch on Event Day
-Free T-Shirt for Event Day
-Onsite display opportunities for your organization
-Volunteer Newsletter Shoutout to 2,500 readers
-Complete 30 group hours* to receive a $500 Honorarium
*Cumulative individual volunteers hours do not count towards group total*