Elder Litquake Creative Writing Workshops Series
All workshops are held at Excelsior Works, 5000 Mission Street
Come to One, A Few or All
Beginning Poetry, Instructor Kevin Dublin, Tuesdays 1/15, 1/22, 1/29
6-7:30 pm. What makes a group of words written on a page a poem? The goal in
this class is to write poems by learning techniques to channel the everyday world
into our work.
The Letter as Self History: A Writing Workshop, Instructor Marina Lazzara
Tuesdays 2/5, 2/12, 2/19, 6-7:30 pm. Through various writing exercises and
close readings of published correspondences, we will discuss the lost art of letter
writing to inspire a short memoire series in either poetry or prose.
Gaining Through Loss – a 3-Part Writing Workshop, Instructor Julie Rogers
Tuesdays 2/26, 3/5, 3/12. This workshop emphasizes memoir-oriented writing
directed inward to reveal unspoken or unfinished stories, new endings, and
expanded perspectives on loss and healing: Part 1: Moving Though Loss,
Part 2: Gaining Through Loss, Part 3: Living with Change.
Writing the Self: A Memoir Workshop, Instructor Denise Sullivan
Tuesdays 3/19, 3/26, 4/2, 6-7:30 pm. Have you ever wished to tell the stories of
your life on the page? In this class, you'll pick up some of the essential tools to
write your own history.
Sponsored by Cayuga Connectors, more info: pspaniak@me.com
FREE City College of San Francisco Older Adult Art Classes
Arts and Crafts for Older Adults, Thursdays, 12:30 – 2:45, Mission Campus,
1125 Valencia St, Room 454 through 1/17 – May16. Instructor Marcia Weisbrot.
Topics: drawing, design, color, fabirc arts, printmaking, book and paper arts. For
more info: www.ccsf.edu/old or 415-452-7403. Free incuding materials. Sign up
at the class. Drop ins ok.
Multi Media Art Class, Saturdys 12:30 to 2:30, Excelsoir Community Center, 4468
Mission at Excelsior 1/19 – 18. Insturctor Lola Fraknoi. Learn to draw, paint, collage,
sculpting and more. For more info: www.ccsf.edu/old or 415-452-7403. Free
including materials. Sign up a the class. Dropins ok.
Theater Games and Improvisation, Tuesdays 10:30 – noon, 1/8 – 3/5, Eureka Valley
Recreation Center, 100 Collingwood. Instructor Evan Johnson. The class provides people of any level with the opportunity to engage fully exercising deep listening, quick
thinking, acting and reacting. No theater experience neccessary. Sign up at the class.
Drop ins ok.