Workreation is a student job training and employment program that is an integral part of the San Francisco Recreation & Park Department’s mentor-ship program. The program is designed for teens age 14‐17.This year marks the 56th year of running the program. Placements include but are not limited to:
- Recreation: Summer Day Camps‐ Serving as Junior Counselors at various city wide Summer Camps and Neighborhood Camps
- Recreation: Aquatics ‐ Working at one of the city pools, assisting Senior Swimming Instructors and Life Guards. Life guarding experience desired.
- Recreation: Facility Coordinating ‐ Assisting a recreation center Facility Coordinator with various tasks related to building operations.
- Parks and Open Space: Green Jobs ‐ Assisting in our parks, working with gardening and park staff, performing outdoor tasks.
- Administration: Clerical ‐ Performing administrative tasks in areas such as Human Resources, Finance, Operations, Support Services, and other administrative divisions.
Applications are due Friday, January 15.
Visit their website for more info and details on applying.