74 artists are sought to create original works of art that will be displayed on lamppost banners along Ocean Avenue. Banners will be displayed for 3-4 months, then individually auctioned to highest bidders. Artists will receive a $50 stipend for paints and supplies, as well as 50% of the proceeds from the auction of the artist’s banner. The minimum bid is $100. After the original banners are auctioned, permanent banners possibly featuring some of the artwork will be installed.
Artists should contact Maria Picar at mariafepicar@comcast.net as soon as possible if they are interested in participating in this project. They are seeking high quality work. Students are welcome to participate.
Information about the project is available at the following website: http://artsaliveingleside.org/
There is also a Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/artsaliveingleside
The project is inspired by Arts Alive Encinitas in San Diego County: http://www.101artistscolony.com/arts-alive