Opening Activities |
Main Activities |
Closing Activities |
Short Write on a Quotation or Prompt |
Jigsaw -Expert Groups |
5-3-1 |
Barometer |
Save the Last Word for Me |
Think, Pair, Share |
Off the Fence |
Roundtable Discussion |
One Minute Problem |
4 Corners |
FIshbowl |
SPAR (Spontaneous Argumentation) |
Entry TIcket |
Conga Line Conversations |
Wraparound or Whiparound |
K-W-L |
Silent Discussion |
Exit Slips |
Anticipation Guide |
Graffiti Board |
3-2-1 |
Consensogram |
Cafe Conversations |
Exit TIcket |
Alphabet Brainstorm |
Text to Self-Text to Text-Text-to-World |
Quick Write |
Gallery Walk |
Post It Note Partners |
Guided Notes |
Think, Pair, Share |
Town Hall Circle |
Interactive Mini-Lecture |
Analyzing Visual Images |