Lazarex Cancer Foundation Volunteer Opportunities, November 5–8

Lazarex Cancer Foundation assists patients in their fight against cancer by providing financial assistance and information on clinical trials and other options. They have partnerships with a few endurance races in the local area and in exchange for providing volunteers, races will make a donation to their cause. By volunteering at endurance events, students can get outside… Read More

Receive Up to $1000 Dollars!

The Marin Academy Youth Grants Board is a student run philanthropy board that funds grants for youth-led projects benefiting the Bay Area. They select and fund projects for up to $1,000. Projects should be youth-led, build youth skills and talents, and help improve Bay Area communities. Projects must also have an adult ally/sponsor Applications are due via… Read More

Culinary Internship Program

This program focuses on healthy living and youth workforce development. Youth develop cooking skills that can be used in a professional kitchen. This program is taught by a licensed chef and helps provide youth with the building blocks to find a job in todays competitive job market. The Youth are also encouraged to share cultural… Read More