Aguas Migrantes Benefit Event, May 26

“We are Aguas Migrantes, an artist collective based in the Bay Area and founded in 2015 by two queer migrant artist-educators, Samuel Cortez and Vreni Michelini Castillo, strengthened and led by artists Onyinye Alheri, Ana Gloria Bedolla, Plinio Hernandez and Alejandra Pérez.  

The mission of Aguas Migrantes is to connect artists to our communities through art by learning about the migration patterns, traditions and cultural productions of Guanajuato. This is accomplished by engaging with members of our communities through free art, writing and red medicine workshops, mural projects, independent film festivals, artists residencies and culminating exhibitions.”

This year El Rio has given us the opportunity to plug in to their Salsa Sunday to rise some funds. We will be selling art by local artists from Hidalgo, food, and merchandise from our collective. 

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