For more information, and to apply, visit:
Check out this paid opportunity through the Crissy Field Center to get experience conducting hands-on environmental science in Point Reyes! The program runs June 18th to June 26th, 2019.
Youth ages 14 to 19 are invited to apply to the Point Reyes Science Adventure. During this 9-day program, participants will get a chance to work with professional scientists to conduct research on wildlife, plants and water quality. Participants will also explore their national parks and gain leadership skills along with the other youth in the program. The program includes a 7-day trip to Point Reyes National Seashore, where we will stay at the Historic Lifeboat Station. Participants will receive a stipend of $200 for full participation in the program.
The deadline to apply is June 3rd, but participant selection will begin in late May.

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