The Stanford Explore Lecture Series is an exploratory series covering the basic fundamentals and current research areas represented by the various research areas of the Stanford School of Medicine (Immunology, Neuroscience, Cardiovascular Medicine, Regenerative and Stem Cell Medicine, Cancer Biology, Bioengineering, Bioinformatics and Genetics). The lectures will be taught by Stanford Faculty, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.
Although the main focus of the series is attending lectures similar to what students will be exposed to in college, students will also have opportunities to experience several hands-on demonstrations and simulation labs at Stanford. Furthermore, there will be opportunities to participate in lunch discussions with college, graduate school and medical school students to learn about the application process as well as to learn about what their experiences have been like. Students will be provided with a notebook, pen, bag and a course reader for optional background reading. No homework assignments will be given. The schedule is 9am-12pm daily (except on Mondays—the session will end at 12:30pm including lunch that is provided). We encourage you to sign up for all 4 weeks but you may also sign up for just 1, 2 or 3 weeks. The online registration will open on MARCH 1, 2019.
- PROGRAM DATES: July 8- August 2, 2019 (Monday through Friday)
- TIME: 9am-12pm daily (except on Monday, when the program runs from 9am-12:30pm and includes lunch that is provided)
- PLACE: Stanford University (School of Medicine)
- ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Students must currently (at the time of registration) be in 9th-12th grade at the time of registration. Students must also be U.S. citizens or permanent residents with a green card living in the U.S.
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