Spread the word about an exciting new health and wellness community class series being offered in the Excelsior District of San Francisco at Community Well. This series has been funded by Shape Up SF Coalition’s HEAL Project, and is proud to partner with Urban Sprouts.
Please let the community members, partners and organizations in your networks know about this FREE community program offered in English, Cantonese, and Spanish called I Feel Good – A Community Wellness Project! The project includes 6 in-person classes. Each class will cover a different topic around natural chronic disease prevention. This series will cover a variety of materials such as growing food at home, herb gardening, stress reduction at work, nutritional cooking for the family, and preventative health education. All classes are kid friendly and open to the public. There is a required registration and enrollment process to attend this program.
When: Twice a month on Sundays for three months from 10 am -12 pm
Sunday, September 9th
Sunday, September 23rd
Sunday, October 14th
Sunday, October 21st
Saturday, November 17th
Sunday, November 18th
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