The Mistletoe Foundation is pleased to offer a summer internship program for high school students and undergraduate students. Offering interns the opportunity to engage in meaningful experiential learning experiences alongside professionals aligns with our work and mission: building bridges between the academic, entrepreneurial, and civic communities to create a more human-centered and sustainable future through technology.
The Mistletoe Foundation is the philanthropic partner of Mistletoe, Inc., the social venture community founded by Japanese serial entrepreneur, Taizo Son. Founded in 2017, the mission of the Mistletoe Foundation is to build bridges between the academic, entrepreneurial, and civil communities to create a more human-centered and sustainable future through technology. The foundation makes no investments; it is a California nonprofit public-benefit corporation promoting social entrepreneurship by initiating philanthropic programs and research partnerships that help researchers and startups advance the state of science and technology for the public good. The Mistletoe Foundation’s flagship program, which is in its inaugural year, is the Mistletoe Research Fellowship for early-career scientists. Fellows will be part of a collaboration in which they can use their expertise to help frontier startups further the development of products with a high potential for social and humanitarian impact.
The Internship Program Experience Overview:
For the summer of 2018, we are hoping to take on two upper-level high school interns and one undergraduate intern. While all interns will work collaboratively with each other and the foundation team, one high-school intern will focus primarily on Event Planning while the other high-school intern will focus on Media and Production. We aim to select interns that have different yet complementary skills and some prior experience, whether in extracurricular or school-based activities. It is our goal that each intern will have opportunities to apply their skills and knowledge towards a series of small authentic projects and working under the direct guidance and mentorship of the Executive Director and head of Programs and Partnerships.
Time Frame: Monday, May 28th – August, 2018 During the above period (about 12 weeks) is when we are able to accommodate interns. A Mistletoe Foundation intern does not have to work with us for that entire time. During the virtual interview, we will discuss your ideal schedule with you in order to best accommodate the needs of each intern.
Location: Interns will work out of the Mistletoe Foundation office located at: 2595 East Bayshore Rd. Suite 150, Palo Alto, California. Parking is available onsite. Interns will not have their own key to the building but someone will be on hand to let them in during any working hours.