Volunteer with the Shared Schoolyard (Event at Aptos Middle on September 17)

The Shared Schoolyard Project is a partnership between the City of San Francisco, the San Francisco Unified School District, and San Francisco’s neighborhoods and communities that envisions and provides for a place for children and families to play and gather within walking distance of every child in San Francisco. Through this unique joint partnership, the City and the School District are able to open schoolyards to the public across the city, with at least one in each of San Francisco’s 11 Supervisorial Districts.

The volunteer opportunities would all be on Saturdays at our schoolyard kickoff events. The events themselves are all from 11am to 1pm, though we may ask a few volunteers to help us set up and strike down. Most of what we need help with at these events is greeting all participants at the sign in tables, and getting them to sign in. If we have enough volunteers at any given event, they can help lead a game for the neighborhood kids to play. We provide free lunch at each of our events as well. If any students are interested in helping out at the Redding event next Saturday (9/10), they can learn more about it here: http://www.sfsharedschoolyard.org/kickoff_redding, and they can either email me directly, or you could help connect us via email to discuss logistics. I’m fairly busy the next few weeks since we have three events we are planning for September, but if you wanted me to come in at some point to talk about our program and events, please let me know.

Aptos Middle School Event, September 17
Join the Shared Schoolyard Project and Supervisors Mark Farrell and Norman Yee at Aptos Middle School on Saturday, September 17 from 11am-1pm for an exciting kick-off event marking the grand re-opening of the schoolyard for the public to use on weekends. The event will include a wide variety of neighborhood community groups talking about the great work they do nearby, games and activities for the whole family, a free taco lunch (while supplies last), a ribbon cutting ceremony, and a raffle to win free prizes! Learn more and RSVP today: http://www.sfsharedschoolyard.org/kickoff_aptos 

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