On Saturday, January 24, 9:30AM to 1:30PM the Vanguard Alliance and St. Paul’s Episcopal School will host “Letting Off S.T.E.A.M: Using Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math to empower the next generation of African American male leaders and problem solvers”
De Andre Calhoun, Conference Chair, has organized an amazing day of activities for African American boys in 4-8 grade, their families, and the educators who support them. David Kelly, Vice President and General Counsel for the Golden State Warriors, will give the keynote address highlighting his journey and how to seize the many paths and opportunities that cross our path. Student sessions will be led by African American independent school educators, who will encourage our young men to address community challenges by utilizing one of the areas of S.T.E.A.M. The adult session will be lead by Tasha Henneman, ED.D., Resource & Referral Manager, BANANAS Inc. and Kareem Weaver, New Leaders Executive Director, Bay Area, and will focus on best practices for supporting African American males. The day will end with student presentations, a catered lunch, and time for fellowship and new friendships.
The registration fee is $25 per family, includes a continental breakfast and lunch, and no one will be turned away for lack of funds. Registration is available online, and families may use the code VANGUARD to waive the registration fee.
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