In-country dates: July 27, 2013-August 24, 2013 (Anytime between these dates for 2-4 weeks)
Internship application and program fees are due June 27, 2013.
The position of an in-country intern offers a unique opportunity to experience sustainable development administration and practices from the inside, and on the ground. Interns chosen will work in the Nicaragua office for four weeks. Applications are reviewed and accepted by the Executive Director and report to the Global Education Program Director. The intern is responsible for planning, project management and operations tasks including programming, public relations, reporting, and researching opportunities. At the end of the internship, the intern will complete a final project report and an approved project capstone to best relay the experience and knowledge gained.
The program cost for four-weeks living in Nicaragua with host family accommodation, food, local transportation, an in country staff counterpart, sustainable development project contribution is $90 per day or $2,520.00 total. Airfare and hotel stays related to air travel are not included.
Click here for more information and application.