YouthAware Out & United (Y.O.U.) is a new three week theatre intensive for LGBTQI teens and their allies ages 14-19.
This pilot program will be a part of NCTC’s Summer Conservatory and helmed by artists/activists who will work with participants to develop scenes and monologues based on the real life experiences of youth at school, at home and in their community.
The Y.O.U. program will culminate with a showcase performance for the National Pride Youth Theater Alliance Conference at NCTC on Friday, August 2nd at 8pm.
Prior theater experience preferred, but not required. We have scholarships available for ten teens to participate in this pilot program FREE of charge this summer.
Please help us spread the word to LGBTQIA youth in your school or community groups who might be interested in this exciting opportunity.
Email YouthAware Program Director Sara Staley for more information or to request a program application and schedule an interview for admission.
Applications will be accepted until June 1st, or until the 10 scholarships are awarded to participants for admission, so get your applications in early!
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