Wheel Kids Bicycle Club Coach

Wheel Kids Bicycle Club, Inc. is an adventure and exploration destination for kids, using bicycling as a means of promoting confidence, leadership, fitness, environmental stewardship and personal awareness. Wheel Kids provides opportunities for school-age children to ride bicycles within the city of San Francisco and the surrounding region, providing lessons for non-riders and skills clinics to improve the abilities of those already able to ride.

Our volunteers provide support to the children and staff of Wheel Kids. We are organized in groups of up to fifteen children ranging in age from roughly 5 to 15, each group led by a Head Coach. Each group will have one or two volunteer coach(es) daily. Some of our riders ride well; others need to learn to get off training wheels; all of our riders are eager to ride and to improve their skills.

Flyer: WKBC-VolunteerCoach

Website: http://wheelkids.com/JobOpportunities.php

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