SFArtsED Internships – San Francisco Arts Education Project

Having qualified high school and college students assist in bringing SFArtsED programs to children is a fantastic enterprise, in place since 1996. As students themselves, their contributions make the arts all the more relevant and exciting to children. And these young artist teachers, assisting mid career artists, round out their education in the spirit of SFArtsED’s mission: participatory and experiential.

Leading our Summer Camps are Artists-In-Residence and other Artists assisted by both high school and college students. Some of our interns are former SFArtsED Players (who don’t want to leave the dynamic experience of our teaching,) some come from SFArtsED high school and Summer Camp experiences. Others are college students pursuing secondary arts education or high school students in intense studies at the School of the Arts Technical Theater Program. Internships here are both paid and unpaid.

Deadline: Rolling Admissions; Apply by emailing Emily Keeler, emily.k@sfartsed.org, with your resume and cover letter.

Website: http://www.sfartsed.org/internships/

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